Consulting & Study Room

Jay's EDU Class Over View

Recommended Classes per grade Level


Jay's EDU 학년별 추천 수업

현재 Illinois주의 교과과정에 따른 추천수업을 알려 드립니다.  고등학교 학생의 경우 대학에서의 전공에 따라서 track이 세분화 될 수 있습니다.  고등학생 학부모님께서는 저희와 상담하시기를 추천드립니다. 


General Information for Reading & Grammar Classes

Jay's EDU reading and comprehension and grammar classes are designed for students who pursuit high scores in the English tests of such standardized tests as the SAT, ACT, High School placement tests, PSAT 8/9,  TerraNova Test, NWEA Map Test, or if a student needs to improve their ELA classes GPA's.  Each student will learn the best way to approach a variety of reading materials and how to improve comprehension and reading skills of materials.  Moreover, Jay's EDU grammar classes are designed to improve students' grammar, punctuation, and general writing strategy, and prepare students for standardized tests.    Jay's EDU will prepare students with comprehensive reading and grammar lessons, with plenty of standardized materials and practices.

Reading & Grammar 수업들은 각 학생들이 standardized test (PSAT 8/9, NWEA Map test, TerraNova, STAR Assessment Test등) 의 영어 독해와 문법 시험에 대비할 수 있도록하는, 영어독해와 실전문법 중심의 수업입니다.  다양한 레벨의 standardized test 의 영어독해와 문법 지문을 비롯한 실전 문제를 중심으로 구성되어 있으며, 특히 영어 문법은 기초부터 응용까지 강의하여, 점점 더 어려워지는 영어 문법시험에 대비하도록 준비되어 있습니다.  각 Reading and Grammar 수업은 학생 개개인의 능력에 맞는 수업을 선택하도록 도와드립니다.


General Information for Reading & Grammar Classes

Jay's EDU reading and comprehension and grammar classes are designed for students who pursuit high scores in the English tests of such standardized tests as the SAT, ACT, High School placement tests, PSAT 8/9,  TerraNova Test, NWEA Map Test, or if a student needs to improve their ELA classes GPA's.  Each student will learn the best way to approach a variety of reading materials and how to improve comprehension and reading skills of materials.  Moreover, Jay's EDU grammar classes are designed to improve students' grammar, punctuation, and general writing strategy, and prepare students for standardized tests.    Jay's EDU will prepare students with comprehensive reading and grammar lessons, with plenty of standardized materials and practices.

Reading & Grammar 수업들은 각 학생들이 standardized test (PSAT 8/9, NWEA Map test, TerraNova, STAR Assessment Test등) 의 영어 독해와 문법 시험에 대비할 수 있도록하는, 영어독해와 실전문법 중심의 수업입니다.  다양한 레벨의 standardized test 의 영어독해와 문법 지문을 비롯한 실전 문제를 중심으로 구성되어 있으며, 특히 영어 문법은 기초부터 응용까지 강의하여, 점점 더 어려워지는 영어 문법시험에 대비하도록 준비되어 있습니다.  각 Reading and Grammar 수업은 학생 개개인의 능력에 맞는 수업을 선택하도록 도와드립니다.

6th to 7th graders

Math Classes

Pre-Algebra, Class for 6th to 7th graders
Algebra I, Class for 7th to 8th graders

English Classes

Reading and Grammar 1 - For 6th to 7th Graders


7th to 8th graders - For GPA & PSAT 8/9

PSAT 8/9 Prep class

Jay's EDU 8 weeks PSAT 8/9 Camp

Math Classes

Algebra I, Class for 7th to 8th graders
Geometry/Basic Trigonometry, 8 to 10th grader
Algebra II, class for 8th to 10th graders (for Stevenson High School District & its Middle School Students)

English Classes

Reading and Grammar II - For 7th to 8th Graders


8th to 9th graders - For GPA & ACT/SAT

PSAT 8/9 Prep class

Jay's EDU 8 weeks PSAT 8/9 Camp

Math Classes

Geometry/Basic Trigonometry, 8 to 10th grader
Algebra II, class for 8th to 10th graders

English Classes

Reading and Grammar III - For 8th to 9th Graders


9th to 12th graders - For ACT/SAT & GPA Management 

ACT/[P]SAT Prep classes


GPA Management Classes

Geometry/Basic Trigonometry, 8 to 10th grader
Algebra II, class for 8th to 10th graders